Marathon Training Week 27 | Running Ragnar

On June 2-3 I am going to run my first Ragnar race—Wasatch Back. Well, I finally found out the legs I am running and actually just got even more excited about it. But really, why…

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Marathon Training Week 26 | Rain Rain Go Away

Finally, I filled up the jogging stroller tires, got excited about the weather warming up and then comes the rain. Why doesn’t Utah weather have to be so all over the place? It’s funny because…

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Marathon Training Week 25 | Olivers Gym Shorts

When I first started running I remember thinking I would never wear shorts that were above my knees. I never understood the purpose of having shorts so short. For me, it never made sense, but…

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Marathon Training Week 24 | Spring in My Step

Utah is finally warming up and with Spring just around the corner I have been wanting more and more to be outside. There is something about the warming up and changing of the seasons that…

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Marathon Training Week 23 | Challenging Children with Fitbit

I thought I was pretty active, I mean, I run at least six miles a day. Well, last Sunday at church my son was running from me and it was crazy, but I wasn’t really…

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