Chocolate Peanut Butter No-Bake Energy Bites

For the longest time I would tell myself that I need to start eating better. I mean, if I’m going to do all the races I have planned this year something has to change. Figuring…

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Marathon Training Week 23 | Challenging Children with Fitbit

I thought I was pretty active, I mean, I run at least six miles a day. Well, last Sunday at church my son was running from me and it was crazy, but I wasn’t really…

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Marathon Training Week 21 | We Were On A Break

“WE WERE ON A BREAK!” Here is one of those famous lines from Friends that you never forget. Well, this week I have felt like that with my running relationship. Do you ever feel like…

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Marathon Training Week 20 | If I Could Turn Back Time

Can you hear her now? Cher singing, “If I could turn back time…If I could find a way…” and I keep thinking, I wish I could turn back time. Why did I ever stop running?…

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Marathon Training Week Nine | My Fat Update

A few weeks ago I was able to go to University of Utah PEAK Health Center where I was able to see my body composition. This opened my eyes to my fat and I knew it…

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