They’re My Kids Too

Enough with calling dads babysitters. We are parents just doing what parents do with their kids: changing diapers, picking clothes, going to school events, etc. But then why is it that we as dads can’t…

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I Finally Showered Today

As fathers, and husbands, we rarely get it when our wife tell us, “I finally showered today.” Okay, I showered this morning before work, what was the issue? We never really get it until we…

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Driven Me to Drink

You have both the kids, their in the car screaming for toys, binkie and want to get food. You think to yourself, “That’s it, you’ve driven me to drink!” I finally get it ladies, I…

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Fatherhood Makes Better Employees

Having been a father for two years now I feel like I am starting to learn a lot about myself and my work dynamics. Since becoming a father a lot of things have changed about me…

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I’m a Father with FOMO

There is nothing harder than being a dad, sitting at work, checking Instagram or getting pictures from your wife of all the fun things they are doing together without you. What about all the “first…

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