Sophisticated Tie for the Sophisticated Guy

What is the one item of clothing that can turn any male (or female) from a regular old person to classy and sophisticated. This item takes you from the modern dad to the absolute gentleman.…

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Animal Makeover

Ever since I was little I have loved those plastic animal toys, but I swear they have really gotten lazy when making them. Take a look at their freakishly weird eyes. What child is going…

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Freshen Up That Kitchen Sink

There is nothing I hate more in the kitchen then a smelly sink. Being that I am a clean freak I always wonder how my sink can get so smelly when I clean it all…

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No One Likes a Hairy Nose

Guys, can I be honest with you for a second? NO girl, or person for that matter, likes to see the hairs in your nose. It’s true! You know it, I know it, the world…

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