Giveaway Time | Covered Goods

There is nothing better than finding a product that has multiple uses: feeding cover, car seat cover, cover for the shopping cart and scarf. I was questioning myself on if I would be a good…

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Reality Check | Dropping The Bad Habits

There is a bad habit that I have had for years, really for as long as I can remember. I bite my nails and I hate it. It’s disgusting, I don’t like doing it, but…

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The Million Dollar Family

According to Urban Dictionary, the million dollar family is when a married couple have one boy and one girl; the supposedly happy, perfect family. Now since our little girl will be here in just over a…

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Obsession Confession | Tubby Todd

There is nothing better than when you take your child out of the tub, wrap them up in a warm towel and take in their amazingly fresh aroma. Then you take them to their changing…

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Apple Crisp Cheesecake Bars

I have never really been an apple pie fan, but I sure do love apple crisp. The second I heard about these apple crisp cheesecake bars I had to make them. I really love a…

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