Fun Baby Finds

For years I have always told my mom that she is crazy for saving all my baby stuff. “Mom, I am never going to use this stuff.” Boy was I wrong. While at my parents house this week my mom found some amazing gems that I loved when I was little, but I love even more being able to compare them to my son’s stuff.

We have tons and tons of blankies for my little guy. It’s funny because when I was little I had tons of blankies too.

::one of my favorite blankies::

::one of my favorite blankies::

This is one of my favorites. I still remember laying on it when I was little, into my teen years, and still love it to this day.

::one of my son's favorite blankies::

::one of my son’s favorite blankies::

My son loves his blankies too, just like I always have. This is one of his favorites and he loves to be wrapped in it, cuddled, and rocked to sleep. Just like I did when I was little.

Not only did my mom find this amazing blankie of mine, but she also found some of the cutest shoes ever. I couldn’t believe that they were mine and in such great condition.

::cute little shoes that I wore and soon my son can wear too::

::cute little shoes that I wore and soon my son can wear too::

The best part about these cute little shoes is that he will be able to wear them too. They are just a little big, but will fit him before we know it.

It’s so fun to go through the things that I wore and see my son using them and wearing them too. Crazy that he is growing so fast and that he is my little guy in so many ways. I can’t wait to see him in these things and in the many other experiences that I will get to share with him.