Our Work is Never Done

When you decided that you were going to be a parent you took on the responsibility that you are going to be there for your child anytime they may need you. There are no breaks.…

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Life Lately: 6 Months In

You know it’s absolutely crazy being a modern dad (working full time, cooking, cleaning, hustling, you know). I am absolutely loving every single second of every day being a dad. My son recently turned six…

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And Then We Were Three

How is it that yesterday my son was just in my wife’s stomach and now he’s six months old? Time flies way to quickly and it seems like yesterday that we were in the hospital…

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Bringing up a Gentleman

Why is it that people are always saying that chivalry is dead? Is it because you never dated a guy that would open your door, pull out your chair, let you (the lady) go first?…

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The Details of V Day

Tomorrow is the big day where we love to show our love. We go out of our way to express love, give tokens of love and be with those we love. When I was younger…

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