A Cinn-fully Sweet Treat

Being a dad that will do it all, or at least try to, I figured that I would try to take on a time consuming treat and make cinnamon rolls from scratch.

-cinn-fully sweet-

-cinn-fully sweet-

The funny thing is, they aren’t hard to make, just time consuming: three hours. I have a Sunday school class of 16-18 year old kids. They love when I bring treats, but I do it to get them there. I don’t care what you say, they love it, I love it, and it works. So I was on Pinterest and kept seeing cinnamon rolls being posted. I thought to myself, “I can totally make those.”

My wife’s family makes amazing cinnamon rolls and so I asked her aunt Cindy if I could get her recipe and try to make them myself. She was more than happy to let me do it and even blog about it.

I wanted the rolls to be fresh for my class, so the night before I talked to my wife asking all my questions so I wouldn’t have to wake her up. I decided that I would wake up at 5:00 am so that I had plenty of time to make the rolls and get ready for church (our church starts at 9). I figured four hours would be enough, even if I messed something up.

Since it was early I wasn’t thinking and forgot to have the milk be scalding. What I didn’t know is that this helps the dough to rise. So I decided to just make another batch of dough. It was a good thing I knew I’d mess up.

I guess they turned out pretty good. I am not a fan of eating what I make, but my class loved them. Hopefully you will too.

Here is the recipe if you want to try making them too.